January 22, 2024
AppJail on FreeBSD
FreeBSD is a free and open-source Unix-like operating system known for its reliability and stability. It is optimized for performance, especially in networking and disk storage devices.
AppJail Framework
AppJail is an open source framework to create isolated, portable and easy to deploy environments using FreeBSD jails that behaves like an application.
$ pkg install appjail;
$ sysrc appjail_enable="YES";
Linux Binary Compatibility
Enable and start the Linux ABI. The Linux service will load necessary kernel modules and mount filesystems expected by Linux applications under /compat/linux.
$ sysrc linux_enable="YES";
$ sysrc linux_mounts_enable="YES";
$ service linux start;
Linux software requires more than just an ABI to work. In order to run Linux software an userland must be installed and local timezone must be set.
$ pkg install debootstrap;
$ tzsetup;
Ubuntu Linux
Ubuntu Linux is praised for its stability, security, and ease of use.
$ printf \
'exec.start: "/bin/true"\nexec.stop: "/bin/true"\npersist\n' \
> /etc/linux.template;
$ appjail fetch debootstrap jammy;
$ appjail quick jammy \
osversion=jammy type=linux+debootstrap \
start linuxfs alias ip4_inherit devfs_ruleset=0 template=/etc/linux.template \
FreeBSD Jails and Containers - FreeBSD Community; 1994-2024
FreeBSD Linux Binary Compatibility - FreeBSD Community; 1994-2024
AppJail is a framework to create isolated, portable, and easy-to-deploy environments - Jesús Daniel Colmenares Oviedo; 2022-2023